Sunday, September 30, 2007

Quote of the day

This was like right before her arms caught on fire. I was kinda cool.

"Look. I'm burning." -- Demon (Silent Hill)

That was an awesome movie. It was sad. They both died and never saw the father again. And it was really messed up though. It was sort of... creepy.

Some other cool profile pics...

I found off of random people I don't know. So here they are. Ok. I might know one. But who would that be? The world may never know.

Some awesome pics...

I know most of you will be like, she has finally lost it. But, these pictures are really really awesome.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I am bored...

No one is on because it is late. Drat. I wanted to talk to Red about sometin'. I guess I'll tell him tomorrow. G'Night. I might not post again. Actually I might. Hmmmmm. Let me ponder that. OK I am done. It is a possibility. Wow all I am doing ranting about random and not to mention useless stuff. Later.


My uncle is watching football and making fun of me because I said y'all and ain't. Grr. My deep southern roots have forsaken me again.


My dad said he got me a ticket to see the Jonas Brothers in concert! But it all depends on if I don't have a party, huh? Drat. Gabby slept over last night. It was soooooo much fun. We watched Silent Hill and Constantine. And tonight she is going to come back over and we are going to watch Interview With A Vampire. HOLLA! Awesome-ness is this weekend-ness!!! That was really retarded what I just said.

I feel...

Like the song Perfect by Simple Plan. My parents left for the weekend. So I won't see my dad for two whole weeks! He is never here. He is always gone during the week. It makes me sad. I wish he was here. But he isn't and I am not what they expected or wanted me to be so I guess I am a freak all together. eh?

Friday, September 28, 2007


I just made a YouTube Video!!!!! It is about Edward and Bella.

Blabbidy Blah Blah.

Hate life, hate braces, hate my hair and I FREAKING WANT HALO 3 RIGHT NOW! Other than that I'm perfect. It was my brothers birthday yester day. yay * throws hands in a whop di do expression * No I really feel like Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan applies to me. Grr. Timmy. If looks could kill he'd all ready be dead. He's scared of me but won't admit it because he is on the football team. Hmph!!! Like he could play!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Nick has a girfriend. I don't know what to do. I think I just need to get over him, or be patient and see if he will break-up with her. That is a bad thing to hope, yet I still do. Tell me, what should I do?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I don't know what to name this post.

Well, some of my friends came over and I showed them Red's Alfred Ashfor imitation. They are still laughing. And one of them, she told me not to say her name, thinks you're cellphone video, and thinks your cute. OW! She just slapped me. I just broke it to her that you live in another state, I didn't say which. OW! She just slapped me again. I can't tell a lie. Haha on her though. She is soooooo red. I can't tell if it is from anger or embarassment. Ow! I think its anger. SAVE ME!!!!!!!!

This is Fred. You can't see the back of his shell but, that was really screwed up too. Another moment of silence for Fred, he passed away. Go towards the Big Terrarium in the sky! Go swim with all the other turtles. I'll miss you!

OK. I am officially mental. I need proffesional help. I'll go to Dr. Angel.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Gabby has to clean her room so she won't be over for like fifteen minutes. And again. Grr.


I got so bored in Pre-Al that I wrote all OVER my bookcover. It says the stupidest things too. I totally have to put pictures of it on here. Me and Abby, not Gabby, were writing on my Science bookcover too. I don't really like my Science teacher, Ms. Curnyn. She is evil.


I just realized something. I REACHED 200 POSTS!!!!!!! How is that for a delayed reaction? Huh. Gabby is eating dinner, then she is coming over. In history I could have killed Timmy. He was like, ' Look at Chloe flirting with Matthias. ' I don't even like Matthias as a friend! I just wanted to find more about Nick, since Matthias is on his foootballl team. I HATE YOU TIMMY!!! He makes me sooooo mad sometimes.


Another thing is I am going to try out for the soccer team this year! *crickets* Nobody like me? *pouts some more* Anywho Marley, my bestest friend ever, IS GOING TO CUT HER HAIR!! No. I loooove her hair long. Grr. Gabby is supposed to comeover. So I don't know why she isn't here yet. COME ON OVER, GABBY! I am calling her right now.


*blushes* Nick said hi to me... AGAIN! Sorry got a little excited. UGH! I lost my voice today. I was screaming tooo loud in P.E. again. We are playing volleyball right now so I was screaming and running and seriving and... you get the picture. And yes Red I got Simple Plan from you. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! I loooooove them. And DAMN IT! Soar quit his blog. *pouts* He won't get back on either. Grr. Brandon and Micheal hid from me so I couldn't spray them with my blue powerade. Drat.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Nobody missed me? I was gone for two days because my computer was down. And yes I changed my name and profile pic. And Nick was being so stupid today. He was like "Big man!" And jumped like right next to my car's window, just to say hi and run away. Then these kids sprayed me with axe. Grr. I'll get them tomorrow for that one. I smell like a man now. *shivers* Anyways. It feels like y'all are ignoring me. Are you. ONE more thing, VOTE FOR MY TURTLES NEW NAME!!!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


What to say, what to say. IF NICK EVER READS THIS I AM GOING TO DIE! I love Nick. He is in eighth grade. And he was staring at me today! Probably because he thought I was weird. Yep. Story of my life. He has I game today. I hope he wins. He plays football. He is number 55. GO NICK!

Rhianna doesn't call you for a long time but.

Leave a message and she will get back to you eventually. Which is like two years. Got to her myspace and find out. And all she said was thanks for being a fan and blah blah blah. It was recorded. BUT IT WAS FOR ME!!! She says she tries to get back to you. And does eventually.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Edward Cullen and Bella Swan ...


O MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!

I JUST TALKED TO RHIANNA!!!!!! She like texted me and then called me! * SCREAMS HEAD OFF *


I think Nick likes me!! He is in eighth grade and is a total hottie and is so super funny. *sigh* I have had a crush on him for like ever!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I have hit the all time low

I made my best friend's phone go off in class. SORRY GABBY! I didn't know she didn't get out of school till 3:30 PM. I get out an hour before her. SO SO SORRY! On the bright side she didn't get it taken away. Hallelujah!

Fred died.

So I am really upset right now. *sigh* He went to the big aquarium in the sky. My dad is going to get me another turtle. I am going to name it Edward Cullen! Shock, shock. I know. A moment of silence and prayer for Fred.

Monday, September 17, 2007

GO TO MY NEW BLOG! It is a fan-fic about Bella and Edward. It is really realy off base. But has the same meaning.

It's the wondeful World of...

HOMEWORK!!! Comment yes or no if you like homework. IF you do like homework, GET OFF MY BLOG AND DON'T COME BACK!!!!! I have TONS of homework. UGH!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I see dots.

Visitor Map
Create your own visitor map!

Mappy Thingy.

Visitor Map
Create your own visitor map!


Fred won't eat. I don't know what to do. By the way Courtney LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!

Can't Stop Laughing!

My dad was like ' Go clean your room.' Me, ' Um, what did you just say?' Dad, ' Go jump off a cliff. ' Me, ' May I ask why? ' Dad,' no ' Me ' Okay! ' Dad, ' Why is our daughter so weird? ' Mom, ' She has you for a father. Duh! '


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Football Game.

Me and Gabby also went to my football game on Friday. We won 50 to 0. It was awesome. She slept over at my house too. COOLIO!

One more thing...

Yesterday my dog got out. So I had to hop some fences and get her back. It was my dog, Snickers, of course. I taught Lucy how to fetch!!!!! Not only does she fetch balls and Frisbees but, she fetches rocks too!


Me and Gabby went to the beach today. It was soooo much fun. We didn't take my surfboard because we took my dad's car. Fred won't eat. :( I am worried about him. I hope he's alright.

You'll never guess what...

I found in my pool! A turtle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was abused and half dead. It was so sad. But, guess what? I get to keep it!!!!!! I named him Fred.


Picture day was horrible! I didn't smile so the guy was like, " Do you need me to take out Mr. Monkey?" SOOOOO HORRIBLE.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Picture Day is tomorrow and I have a cold! UGH! I am going to look so horrible. Someone save me. I HATE PICTURE DAY! *screams so loud windows break* oops. I didn't do it!


I changed my name, so no you were not invaded. And I changed my blog background. And I have a new profile picture. And my name, turtleluvr123 is my youtube name too. LOVE YA!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Never Alone- Barlow Girls

I know I just totally destroyed someone's heart today. But, this is how I felt when he said that to me. Then I thought of God, yes I am a Christian, and then I thought of this song. They are really awesome. Yep, that's them good ol' country folk.

It's Over.

Everything I stand for about love and the Internet got destroyed when I met Red. I gave up everything to make it work, and I regret it. I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't of tried, I should have just told him that we should be friends. So if you don't know who to blame right now, Blame me. I am sorry I did this to you Red and myself. So can we still be friends? Or is that impossible?

You know something?

It didn't have to be like this, Red. But, if you want to do it this way. Fine. I'll be you worst nightmare. Ask A.A. when we were fighting what we did to each other. Yeah, it was really bad. And guess what? Anna got her wish. I am dead (emotionally) and you are starting to act like an emo. SO BACK OFF!!!!!!

Waking Up.

Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me. - Bella Swan (New Moon)

It has only been moments or hours rather that I sat suffering in my room, crying but know all I have have is that numb sense of healing. Not forgetting and never healing all the way. It is just there as I reminder not to make the same mistakes again. I'll never trust, or be the same again. After not only what he did, but what others have also done to me so cruelly. But, I'll try to fight my way out of that dark pool. Even though it is better and easier than facing the truth. So I'll get over it, eventually. But, it shall be a long time before I learn to love and trust again.


This is not about Ark, Red, or who ever. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!! I don't want to talk about it. It just isn't about him ok? That just added to this little charade. I don't know what anyone thinks about me anymore. So I just give up. I HATE MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


OK, I don't know what is going on. Nor do I care. So I'll post later. When I feel like it.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

My Life is Officially Over.

Ark and Kerrigan, now Red, deleted his blog and became a different person. I think my parents hate me. I am doing awesome in school. It feels like the world is pressing down on me again. Guess I'll always be there on that moutain all alone with a cloud above my head. In other words I am depressed again.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I am having a mental break down!

Ark said he is going to quit!!!! NO!!!!!!! I am on I am on!!!!!!! Get on. NOW! I am sorry I haven't been on lately. Please don't quit. Please?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Gaspard Ulliel!!!!!!

And he is the perfect Edward Cullen!!!! Those pictures are all of him. Emily browning is the perfect Bella Swan. And those pictures are of them together. HE IS HOT!!! OW! He burnt my finger.

he's hot right? I know he is.

I start school tomorrow.

And guess which one I got into, Math 8/7 or Pre Algebra? You guessed it Pre Algebra. So I don't even get to do seventh grade math. *sigh* Why do I have to be smart sometimes? Well, I am looking forward to another year of being called a bookworm. NOT!

I am sorry.

My mom wouldn't let me get on yesterday. For some unknown reason. I re-read the twilight series again. Yep. I am that obsessed. Anyways I am suprised none on YouTube did a Breaking Dawn trailer like they did for the other books. Hmph.

Um, Midnight Sun is going to get...

Published. She said that a while ago. She just has to finish it. If it had adult content she wouldn't have put the first chapter and said that her mom told her to get it published. And she said she would and I thought it was a great first chapter.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

My mom is nagging at me...

To go to bed. So I guess I have to get off. She is getting really annoying. It is only nine and it isn't like I have school tomorrow. But, tomorrow is labor day so have a good day off from school. Night everyone.


Have you guys ever heard of the, Young Wizards series? It is great book. I think Josh Hutcherson should play Kit. And that Miley Cyrus should play Nita. Actually I think I look more like Nita than she does. And Nita is thirteen and Kit is twelve and taller than her. And they like each other and they know it. They just won't admit it.


I think people are starting to hate me just because I haven't been on a lot lately. I don't think A.A. or Ink has forgiven me. I think they are still mad at me for some unknown reason. Um... tell me why. And I can't wait till Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer comes out next fall. It's the fourth book in the Twilight series. I hoped she publishes that one about Edward's side of the story. That one is called Midnight Sun. Read the first chapter of Midnight Sun at Stephenie Meyer's official website.


3 people said they didn't like my new background. I want to know who and why. I didn't go surfing today because, 1.) I slept in. 2.) My parents didn't feel like it. 3.) My parents were gone for 7 hours today!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Teen Titans was supposed to be on at 5:00 PM today but it wasn't. CURSE YOU CARTOON NETWORK! I wish it was on th0ugh. *sigh* I am obsessed. Don't forget to vote. I want to know what you think.

My Blog Got A Makeover.

Like it? I like it. This was how my first blog I ever mad looked like. Before I deleted it. Vote. I want to know. If you don't like it I'll change it back or to something else if you suggest it. VOTE PPLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am guessing I should start getting on earlier. Otherwise I never get to talk to anyone. It is getting hard. So I am going to get on earlier tomorrow if I can. I don't know if we are going to the beach tomorrow. Gabby can't go anymore and I don't know if my parents want to go anymore. I'll have to motivate them somehow. Hmmm. Have any ideas?

OK, I am going to yell really loud...

I'M ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you hear that ark? If you did say OK. I didn't hear you. And you are right but I don't know. It might be rude to just ask like that. And then I'd have to find out where you live. And it would feel uncomfortable for the both of us giving out information like that.